Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Well we here at CIA missed the punches at the board meeting following the naming of all campus leaders.. side joke, we were busy with the Russia investigation..

But we have plenty here at FWISD. We hear that many friends and family members of our board were named to schools.  We know from just hearing Dr. Sutherland that some board members dipped their hands into the selection and others did not get who they wanted, presumably Dr. Sutherland.  
Some of the appointments just leave you to roll your eyes because they don't make sense.  Durbin for example of all people who was under Washington back at Meadowbrook and has done crap since yet he gets a school.  You have Christmas going from destroying one campus moved to the next one.

Another example is what credentials does Xavier Sanchez have?  The only one we know is his mother helped him get there and she now picked some of the principals announced.  

So the board led district has put people who have no major credentials to show.  

What we also hear is that the board meeting recording was altered to take out the part where Dr. Sutherland strongly objected to the naming of administrators by stating why some board members get who they want and other don't.  If this is true, as several people contacted, then this is a violation of the Open Meetings Act because they are choosing to publish what they want and not what exactly happened.  The district does not have the right to choose what the public is entitled to and Barbara Griffin and team were the ones in charge.  Dr. Sutherland, check to see if that occurred because not only are they trying to continue to censor you but now they are doing it deliberately.

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