Wednesday, June 6, 2018


It turns out that Ashley Paz has decided she won't butt into school affairs when the people she serves, teachers and students, are asking for her help.  Some schools are re-organizing to put science classes in portables for whatever reason.  Ashley Paz says it's in the best interest of students to do it.

They may want to look at OSHA standards and safety standards on what you call a lab.  Where are chemicals going?  Where are you putting hazardous materials?  A little call to agencies may have them think otherwise.  But the main point here is that the education model the district is pursuing is ruining opportunities for students and teachers for better learning.

Ashley, did you sleep in class or where do you think moving labs to portables is ok?  Guess the TCU diploma didn't help you to reason at all.

You would butt into school affairs when it benefits you or your friends.