Saturday, July 9, 2016


Recall when the district said it fired him for lying on his employment application and an apparent record.  Well below is the FBI background done on him which is clear.  Evidence that will be presented at new trial and show district lies.

*Original Story*
District Lawyer Brandt, according to the FW Weekly, sent a celebratory letter to the board that they district had won not paying the $2 million award given years back.  What he doesn't mention is that the district won't pay that but is still paying in fees to the lawyers, etc.  It's a good day for him because he gets paid to defend the case.

The district will end up paying way more than just settling the case or admitting wrong.  So reset button and hear we go again!

We have always asked the board what the true costs are and admit that district funds are paying for this not insurance, etc.

The board doesn't care- too absorbed in self that nobody else matters.

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