Thursday, February 19, 2015


So today we get a report that Sherry Breed aka Breedleficient... was informing principals about the testing coming up, doing interventions and handling the discipline.

She made recommendations about holding off sending students to alternative or to that effect, basically handle it by keeping the student in the classroom.  Which also sounds like, no matter what any student does, keep them.  This coming from someone who does not offer any alternatives or other support for students who struggle with their behavior.  But that's another story...

So she went on to say that students leave to go off for discipline and then teachers have to deal with them again and that teachers say "kill em, kill em all."  Now who in their right mind would make such a comment and then insinuate that teachers are thinking about  killing students in the sense that they don't want them or care for them.

So there were "crickets" in the room.  We asked if she meant it as a joke or had a smile on her face or something but no.. it was serious and everyone just looked at each other like did she just say that?

Can we have someone look into this because if this is what she thinks about our students then she needs to pack it up and go.. more than ever... 


Principals were also told to fill out a survey to say how things are going for them, what support they need and how their directors have been supportive.  The link was sent to them but then it crashed because so many people were on it at the same time.  Go figure!  So at the meeting they gave them a printed copy of 46 questions, a packet, to answer there.  But they wanted them to say what campus they are from and put it on the survey.. So is it a survey or is not?  So now how many will truly put what they feel?  

On top of that Principals are tired and upset about the debacle that has become Pre-K.  Here we are with the bond promising universal PK and it has been made a mess.  Timelines keep changing, requirements, etc.  There is no clear message.  Can we get a board member to check it out for us?  


  1. Breed should have lost her teaching certificate long ago when CPS charged her. Her alleged lover, Wally Dansby saved her then just as he promoted her when he became Super. Is any one really surprised? This is life in the FWISD MADHOUSE under Judy Needham with her trusty eunuch Normy and camera hound Tobi.

  2. Those of us in the schools know how incredibly bad this policy of keeping students that need to be at mid-level or beyond on campus and in a classroom. It only takes one of these kids to totally ruin a class period. It gets worse when, because they know nothing is going to be done, they walk out of in-house and run the school. We all get that with some of the marginally disruptive they can in some cases be kept in the classroom but when you have a student that is uncontrollable, that won't cooperate, that student needs to be removed from that school for the welfare of the rest. To say the things that Breed is supposed to have said shows just how out of touch the people in the Brick Palace are.

  3. FWISD is filling the pockets of those building prisons. If you check deeper you will probably find a board member or cabinet member tied in with the School to Prison pipeline money bags.

  4. I doubt you've been thereFebruary 20, 2015 at 8:51 AM

    hahahaha are you familiar with what the word palace even means? Here's another one to look up while you're at it: delusional.

  5. Wow, must of touched a nerve but sarcasm does that, particularly to people that can't recognize it.

  6. Can you do a post explaining your issues re Pre-K? Thank you

  7. Then whoever told you you were witty owes us all an apology.

  8. Score!! twice or is this the same person hiding behind 2 names. Not sure, absolutely don't care.

  9. I am hoping CIA will publish the letters and e-mail from AHHS Teachers to Palazzolo describing exactly what was going on at that school. I cannot believe Speer has the nerve to run for Board as she was one of the people who heard the first grievance with all of this documentation in it. Cannot believe Alexander is still certified. Like Ray and Sorum, no high school, classroom experience. When you read the letters and then Speer and Alexander directing no further discipline referrals it makes your stomach churn. Thank God I was able to get out.

  10. CIA: Please provide the link to the Star Telegram article detailing Breed's arrest on CPS charges. Who can forget the "miraculous" and sudden appearance of a phone call log when NOTHING existed prior to Dansby stepping in.

  11. FWISD is corrupted to say the least. Employees receive training with building climate and culture- but the biggest bullies are those running the show from the top!! CLEAN THAT HOUSE!!! There's too much work place bullying- BREED being at the top. She has turned her worker bees into mini- me's and the minions will follow- or will they?? Closed door conversation may say otherwise- not everyone is s follower.
    Now that Wally's gone what will she do-- keep her evil eye on "you." And why in the right mind would any public official use the word "kill" in a conversation period?? This word doesn't mix or belong in the vocabulary of millennia education considering students and innocent teachers are "killed" in today's society- protect don't scare. SAD!! Have some respect- people are watching and listening. No one would dare comment for the FEAR IS upon us. How unfortunate- how sad- how unstable. This is not only concerning it's frightening!!! What's next?
    We need a board member who cares and sees the light.
    Before you leave Dr. Linares and the board... Clean the mess. And to the board members who sow the mess-- leave now while you can!
    Many are getting fed up and ready to protect themselves from this crap- FWISD is not the same.

  12. concernedcitizensfortworthisdFebruary 27, 2015 at 8:29 PM

    The issues rest with Rangel who keeps changing the process and forcing principals to break the law on who is eligible or not. Also which label they should have to place in a class that rests with the principal on campus. The type of recruitment is a one size thing n no principal input

  13. I will see if we can straighten this out.

  14. Why is there so much confusion with Universal PK. Many schools received PK additions and classrooms to find these rooms empty. $$$$ Now you tell me who loses?? Our children- are at a loss. People like Dr. Rangel want access to everything including any department or school she's lead. The fact of the matter is its unorganized and no one understands the point. When asked her replies are clueless. Why not have every school as UPK? I mean why only certain schools and why do these schools stay empty?? Yet we have a FWISD school filled with PK students- MG Ellis? Maybe we should close these gaps and bus these kids to fill in the emptiness. Kids are being bused? Why are parents not jumping on the UPK bandwagon? Why are potential students denied- what input could possibly help- good idea but poor leadership . This needs to be dealt with-- hoe much $$$ actually went to classrooms and are these funds being utilized appropriately- I bet not.

