Sunday, August 17, 2014

Does FWISD Board want to be fined for appealing Palazzolo case like this other Texas school district? Robbins: WAKE UP AND DO SOME RESEARCH!!!

Our board has been dragging their feet on the decision to appeal or not.  Taking many executive sessions but not a public vote or explanation.  We will call out every board member who defies to do the right thing and follow the law.  Brandt is not the elected official, you are!

Board members please read and educate yourself on your elected duties.

Share this will any and all who care about FWISD and the rule of law!

1 comment :

  1. I suggest readers start at page 26 and read through the document to the end, page 31. Then go back to page 3 to page 5 to see the applicable laws citing why the board MUST take a public vote on the Palazzolo appeal. It is stunning to realize the school attorney and Mr. Brandt are not aware of these laws or may not be properly informing FWISD board members. Perhaps Mr. Brandt should be sued for failing to properly guide board members and properly supervising the Palazzolo case. Those would be legal dollars well spent.

