So far the nicer word we tried to find to describe what Dansby is, according to reports, going to do to continue his crusade to demolish the FWISD at whatever cost and over Moss' body if that's what it takes.
This man truly shows that he has no integrity or dignity when it comes to leaving the district and being humble. So he drowns the district, involved in the Tocco corruption and hides under the banner of running the capital improvement plan and a good ol boy from Fort Worth. Surprised he didn't ask for a statue to be built in his honor. You see lifelong recognitions are given to those who have given of themselves to better the lives of others; in this case children. But when you look back, who can count or truly describe the positive impact he has made?
Just because you have lived or worked in a place for a long time does not make you invincible or immune to causing damage and hurting others to advance your self-interest. We lived his crusade and just like the board members told him, he did not live up to expectations. Once again just because you have worked in a place for a while does not make you the best choice for anything. Dansby is a manger he is not an educator or a mentor because he didn't care to listen to others. For example, on his first day on the job he told a group of employees, " you don't think or feel, you just do" "if you don't like it then your opportunity to leave." So are these the words of someone who truly has a vision to improve anything?
Now he wants to run for the board to in a sense make sure that lawsuits against him don't prevail or use the power to keep the suits going and spend more money. He got $900,000 to leave and now he is going to use that money to manipulate the system no matter what. He is bitter that he didn't get what he wanted and now he is going to be on a rampage. He is a bully and many of you know.
He stuffed the pockets of his cronies and left us in the classroom to rot.
Life in the FWISD will be hell if he is elected.. and those board members who voted to let him go, watch out.....
Read the transcript once again of the so called mistake in the Palazzolo case.. he knew what he was doing..